How do we organize an exhibition at our client’s store?

The exhibitions are the best complement to our products as they function as a showcase that can help customers see the products’ characteristics and benefits. Also, it allows you to feel the composition of the pieces, see their tonality, and compare them. When it comes to ornamental products or design ideas, exhibitions are decisive for decision making. And do you know what it takes to make an exhibit of SAS products?

When a client seeks to make a display with our products, it starts a process that involves different departments. The common idea is to adjust our expositors and range of products to each client’s profile and warehouse size.

It all starts with the conversation between our salesperson and the client, with whom we revise the available space and define common ideas. Once all the details have been completed, the Sales Representative transfers the information to the Projects area. that is where the sketches are prepared, and the client’s ideas take shape.

In this step, if the client requires it, we design some inspirational/ informative panels to complement the exhibition. Whether they are just panels or physical products, the idea is to make the most of the available space and give our clients different tools to explain the products as well as possible.

When the plans and visual supports are finished, the assembly process begins. At this point, the collaboration between the distributor and our sales team is essential.

Our final objective is to help our clients improve their exhibitions to boost their sales.

Two SAS installations

Two examples of installations, one completely new and one updated, are the exhibition made for the Saint Gobain in Vilanova, and the triangular panels made for Bigmat Ochoa.

Saint Gobain de Vilanova

When it comes to a new exhibition, sketches take on great relevance. In Saint Gobain de Vilanova, the idea was to show different Swimming pool products, walling systems, Pillars, and Pavements. All in 14 square meters.

The final result allows customers to see placement options and compare our models and colours. But above all, it will enable them to see and touch the quality of our products.

Bigmat Ochoa

At Bigmat Ochoa a new version of posters was proposed for the exposed pavements. Our display was already well located in the warehouse, so the structure only required a makeover.

The final result at Bigmat is ideal! The frame’s angled shape makes it easy to see the different flooring options, and the new pictures show placement ideas, so it results in an excellent tool!

And how often are the displays updated?

Given the demand for exhibitors in the market, we continue to redesign and update our models at SAS. Last year we updated the Expo Cubremuros, separating the “Wet-Cast” range from the “Dry Cast”. In this way, you can easily see the differences and compare which model best suits the desired style.

This 2021 we began to improve the Senderos Expo to include our new model, the LUNA47. We will soon have photos of your final result!

When the 3Ds and the photos do not show every detail you need, the exhibitors and our exhibitions are the best sales tool!